Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Huawei E170 HSUPA: Small and Fast

To complement the capabilities of HSDPA 3G modem, now many emerging module with support for HSUPA (uplink) as bids from Huawei by series E170 T-Mobile is. If the initial version of the HSDPA modem only supports uplink / 384 Kbps upload only, in this type of E170 HSUPA upload his ability to reach 2 Mbps. Later the price of the modem HSDPA / HSUPA also began to fall as more and more products on the market. Dibanderol about E170 a 800-thousand is also compatible with any GSM card (unlock mode) so that users can have the choice freely.

To freshen up Internet activities, this modem has been accompanied by the application settings Web'n'Walk Manager with Internet access, statistical data, SMS, e-mail, and storage services provided online. Display graphics download process will make it easier to upload the user to monitor the transfer speed. Before you can access the Internet, users need to fill in username, password, and APN from the mobile operators that are used. 

In terms of quality of connection, the modem is obviously very dependent on network conditions are available on the service. When testing, the condition M2 Indosat 3G connection that we use is very varied, fast in the early morning and slow in the afternoon. Therefore, if you will use this modem, you should first consider the network quality to be used.
Lack of this product lies in the quality of the USB cable is not good so sometimes disconnect. In addition, a fairly modern body heat if used for long periods also disturbing. However, ease of installation and interface is quite informative to the advantages offered by this HSUPA E170. In excess, Huawei E170 can be one of the 3G USB modem interesting enough to have.

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